FRIDAY 20TH MARCHSTRICT GYMNASTICS AND VOLUME WOD GYMNASTICS:5 Rounds For Quality Of...40% Max Effort Strict HSPU5 Strict Knees to Elbow5 Strict Pull Ups10 Banded HollowsWOD:For Time (15 min Caqp)50-40-30-20-10Double UndersWall Balls Push Press (9/6)
STRICT GYMNASTICS AND VOLUME WOD GYMNASTICS:5 Rounds For Quality Of...40% Max Effort Strict HSPU5 Strict Knees to Elbow5 Strict Pull Ups10 Banded HollowsWOD:For Time (15 min Caqp)50-40-30-20-10Double UndersWall Balls Push Press (9/6)